Kenny Burrell – Jim Hall – Attila Zoller – Guitar Genius In Japan (1971)

FrontCover1I found a very interesting review of this great and very rare album in the net:

Everybody may have his/her special album(s) of his/her own – for example, an album which closely link to his/her personal events and memories, an album which gave him/her a huge impact to let him/her get involved into music. And there are some more – such as “an album which was recorded on the same day in the same year when I was born”.

Well talented but sober members – Kenny Burrell, Jim Hall, Attila Zoller, Larry Ridley and Lennny McBrowne – came to Japan and played at the “Guitar Festival” concert on June 4, 1970 at the Tokyo Kousei Nenkin Hall in Shinjuku. Then four days later on June 8, 1970 (when I was born), they recorded this album at the Teichiku Studio, Tokyo, Japan.

Kenny Burrell trio plays three tracks, Attila Zoller plays three, another three by Jim Hall, and the last track is a jam session of three talented guitarists (like they would perform at the “Guitar Festival” concert). Improvisation phrases and guitar tones of these three players sounds so distinctive each other, which make this album very interesting. Surprisingly, this album was released in 1970 (or 1971) by Overseas label of Teichiku Records Japan, then no LP/CD reissue was made as far as I know. I believe that many fans would gladly welcome if this scarce album was reissued…

Burrell strokes full of tensional phrases, while Zoller spreads solid and progressive improvisations and Hall presents his warm, soft and beautiful guitar – actually it’s a very nice album.(by Kohji ‘Shaolin’ Matsubayashi)

AlternateFrontCoverAlternate frontcover

Kenny Burrell (guitar)
Lenny Mc Browne (drums)
Jim Hall (guitar)
Larry Ridley (bass)
Attila Zoller (guitar)



Kenny Burrell:
01. Scarbrough (Traditional) 3.23
02. People (unknown) 1.47
03. Gingerbread Boy (Heath) 2.36

Atilla Zoller:
04. Green Dolphin Street (Kaper/Washington) 4.06
05. When Sunny Gets Blue (Fisher/Segal) 3,16
06. Watch What Happen (Legrand/Gimbel/Demy) 3.27

Jim Hall:
07. Secret Love (Fain/Webster) 3.01
08. When Would I Love (unknown) 3.04
09. All The Things You Are (Kern/Hammerstein) 2.19

Allstar Jam:
10.Just Friends (Klenner/Lewis) 3.43
