VA – La France et les Beatles Vol. 1 (2006)

FrontCover1Parlez vous Lennon et McCartney en Francais? Oui! Oui! Oui! First volume of four compilations of classic Beatles cover versions recorded over the years by many of France’s top Pop artists. This set features 21 fab versions of some of the most gear Pop/Rock songs ever written, performed by artists such as Marcel Amont, Monique Leyrac, The Blue Notes, Olivier Despax, Richard Anthony and others. This collection is absolutely in Seine! Magic.

I’m falling in love with France:
I can’t speak French but I love the music and the words. I’ve been listening to French music now for about a year. Garou is the best, this CD is great, there is one song that hurts my ears “Hey Jude”. I really thought that would be a lot different but they took it to a completely different level. Sort of like hearing someone here destroy the Star Spangle Banner. (Frank Kenisky)

Not really necessary …  but a real nice addition to every Beatles collection … good versions with french lyrics !


01. I Trovatori: Tu Perds Ton Temps (Please Please Me) 1.50
02. Lynn: Tu Changeras D’avis (Bad To Me) 2.02
03. Jimmy Frey: Elle T’aime (She Loves You)
04. Richard Anthony: Toi L’ami (All My Loving) 2.07
05. Les Lionceaux: Mais Ne Viens Plus (Don’t Bother Me) 2.31
06. Jean-Claude Berthon: Je Te Veux Toute A Moi (I Wanna Be Your Man) 2.28
07. Les Fizz: Si Tu Fais Ca (You Can’t Do That) 2.40
08. Olivier Despax: Et Je L’aime (And I Love Her) 2.40
09.  Les Kelton: Oui Je Reviens (When I Get Home) 1.59
10. Akim: Humm ! Qu’elle Est Belle (I Feel Fine) 2.22
11. Fabrice: Les Garçons Sont Fous (Think For Yourself) 2.21
12. Dominique: Michelle (Michelle) 2.33
13. Les Blue Notes: Rêve (Girl) 2.48
14. Danielle Denin: Je Lis Dans Tes Yeux (I’m Looking Through You) 2.28
15. Erick Saint-Laurent: Eleonor Rigby (Eleanor Rigby) 2.04
16. Monique Leyrac: Dis-moi (Here, There And Everywhere) 2.24
17. Jean-Marie et Raoul: Le Sous-marin Vert (Yellow Submarine) 2.45
18. Dominique Walter: Penny Lane 2.52
19. Marcel Amont: Dans 45 Ans (When I’m Sixty Four) 2.48
20. Szabo: Il Pleure Dans Mon Coeur (Hey Jude) 4.13
21. Gerard Saint Paul: Bang Bang Maxwell (Maxwell’s Silver Hammer) 3.25


